23 Positive Parenting Hacks for Difficult Toddler Behavior, Without Losing Your Head - Part 2

I hope you've enjoyed Part 1 of this series! If you haven't checked that out, click here. Keeping level headed in a difficult parenting situation isn't always easy, especially when you're sleep deprived, house not cleaned, dinner not prepared, and facing a screaming toddler.

But hang in there because your parenting in this period will make a big difference to their lives later on! Here are 11 more hacks to make this journey more fun and enjoayble:

13. Repeating the words might work

Sometimes repeating the words repeatedly and incorporating facial expressions and vocal inflexions into your speech works wonders with toddlers. For instance, if your kid swats your arm every time he is angry, you can tell him, 'Stop! It hurts mommy! Be immediate, be careful not to sound angry towards them. Teach them that they need to be gentle with you, their siblings, or their belonging. It might take a bit of work, but it's well worth it. 

14. Watch your words

It is quite okay for parents to get angry at their child for misbehaving. But what is not okay is to start scolding your kid in a tone that conveys 'I don't love you anymore. Focus on do's instead of don'ts when talking to your child, and do make sure that your words and tone imply that it's okay and mommy is still here.

15. Offer choices

Instead of giving a direct command to your preschooler, offer him a set of choices. For instance, instead of shouting ‘Go, clean your room’, say ‘Which one do you like picking up first, books or toys?’. The right set of choices may simplify the conflict.

16. Teach your toddler empathy

You need to help your kid see and feel that his misbehaviour not only affects his parents but the other people around him as well. Teach him how to place himself in other people’s shoe. For instance, if he hits his sibling, ask him how he would feel if his sibling starts hitting him.

Check out more tips on how to teach emotion management to kids here.

17. Convert his negative energy into doing something productive

Whenever your child starts to fuss about something, try to divert his mind by asking him to go for a walk with you or to assist you in folding or washing the clothes. Kids are likely to forget about their tantrums once their mind is diverted.

18. Talk options

The best way to stop your child from doing something is to provide an alternative for expressing his emotions and feelings. You need to make your toddler understand that his feelings and emotions are acceptable, but certain ways of expressing them are certainly not. Talk more about the consequences of him acting out in a certain way, and then do your best to provide alternatives for him. For instance, if your kid starts hitting you whenever he is angry, give him a pillow or a stuffed toy that he can hit.

19. Stop paying attention

One of the most effective tricks for whenever your child is misbehaving is to stop paying attention. His difficult and poor reaction will die out after a certain amount of time whenever he will sense that no one is paying attention.

20. Don't hesitate to give him a time-out

When reprimands, loss of attention, loss of privileges and redirection do not seem to be working for curing your toddler of her difficult and offending behaviour, consider putting your little one in time-out. Specify a safe and quiet spot for where you will put your kid in a time-out. Don't forget to put a serious look on your face before imposing a time-out.

21. Hug after a time-out

After a time-out, gently ask your kid to apologize to you. Once he has apologized, hug him and tell him that you are not angry with him anymore. This is a great way to handle a child's difficult behaviour.

22. Stay Calm

Whatever you do to convert your child's bad behaviour into a good one, stay calm and positive. You don't need to hit or scold your child every time he acts out because it will only do more harm than good. Instead, with a clear head, try to tackle the situation in the best way possible.

23. Don't talk about your child's bad behaviour in front of him

When toddlers hear their parents speak to other people negatively, they are more likely to repeat their negative behaviour. Refrain from talking about your kid in front of them and try to encourage their good behaviour as much as possible.

The above-mentioned parenting hacks will with your toddler's difficult behaviour. The key is to stay calm and positive. This, too, shall pass.

What parenting challenges do you face? Share that with us in the comments below, or email us at hello@gravitymain.com

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