A Cute Keepsake Memory 💜
Cherish the memorable moments of your child's growth! Loosing of their teeth is a moment in life that kids can never forget. So why not take advantage of this time to preserve the memories in an eco-friendly, educational box?
Perfect for parents who'd like save their kid's teeth without losing them, in an organized way.
Educational for Kids
Nothing beats understanding their own biology by having their very own set for keeps. Ask them questions like, "Did you know that each tooth has a specific function?", "Which tooth do you think helps you to grind vegetables?"
This Could be the Future!
Baby teeth are widely known in the science world to contain stem cells. This is one of the most widely researched topic in biology. Stem cells could well be used to treat diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s in the future!
- 1 x Baby Tooth Box
- Made from Premium, Precision-cut, Eco-friendly Pinewood
- Capacity For 22 teeth
- Available in Boy or Girl designs
- Box size: 12 x 11.5 x 3 cm